페더럴웨이시가 지난 5일 실시한 지역사회 봉사자 시상식
페더럴웨이시가 지난 5일 실시한 지역사회 봉사자 시상식을 통해 암 환우 봉사단체 러빙엔젤스(대표 김혜옥)의 제니 장 이사장, 페더럴웨이 한인학부모협회(KAPA) 김귀심 회장 및 페더럴웨이 한인회 오시은 회장이 봉사상을 수상했다. |

원본출처: https://www.facebook.com/mhankook/photos/a.254540115183016/339894383314255/
페더럴웨이시가 지난 5일 실시한 지역사회 봉사자 시상식
페더럴웨이시가 지난 5일 실시한 지역사회 봉사자 시상식을 통해 암 환우 봉사단체 러빙엔젤스(대표 김혜옥)의 제니 장 이사장, 페더럴웨이 한인학부모협회(KAPA) 김귀심 회장 및 페더럴웨이 한인회 오시은 회장이 봉사상을 수상했다. |
원본출처: https://www.facebook.com/mhankook/photos/a.254540115183016/339894383314255/
워싱턴주의 모든 암환우와 그 가족들의 더 나은 삶을 위하여
작은 부분까지도 투명하게
For a better life for every single cancer patient and their families in WA
Being transparent for even the smallest part
Loving Angels values and handles your support seriously. Our organization currently runs by volunteer staff only. We are proud to announce that about 98% of our operating expenses flew for programs that benefit patients and their families from 2016 to 2022.
Loving Angels values and handles your support seriously. Our organization currently runs by volunteer staff only. We are proud to announce that about 98% of our operating expenses flew for programs that benefit patients and their families from 2016 to 2022.
We value your support
Every single penny counts
We maximize your impact
워싱턴주의 모든 암환우와 그 가족들의 더 나은 삶을 위하여 작은 부분까지도 투명하게
For a better life for every single cancer patient and their families in WA
Being transparent for even the smallest part
Loving Angels values and handles your support seriously. Our organization currently runs by volunteer staff only. We are proud to announce that about 98% of our operating expenses flew for programs that benefit patients and their families from 2016 to 2022.
32123 1st Ave S Suite A1, Federal Way, WA 98003
Address: 32123 1st Ave S Suite A1, Federal Way, WA 98003
Email: help.lovingangels@gmail.com
© 2022 Compassion Loving Angels. All Rights Reserved. Loving Angels is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.
All donations in the United States are tax deductible in full or part.